It is hard to tell in these uncertain times exactly what is Real and what is Conjecture/Hyperbole regarding Covid-19. Conspiracy theorists have been provided ample fodder for their Deep State Theories and Politically motivated policies peddled by the Health Care “Leaders”. HCQ (hydroxychloroquine) is one of those topics.

What would have happened had the President not endorsed this formerly “safe” treatment for auto-immune diseases??? Would more Covid-19 sufferers have the opportunity to utilize this therapeutic measure and realize a possible life-saving intervention?

The report from LANCET brings the entire quagmire into question!

A new 1st line treatment for Covid-19 has come to the forefront with gaseous nitric oxide being used by ER Docs to reverse the inflammatory respiratory condition. Theoretically very sound! Minimal treatment data points to offer an accurate analysis.

Lastly, Covid-19 has been demonstrated to create an inflammatory vascular condition, not unlike Kawasaki’s Disease in children. This has been found to cause spontaneous MIs (myocardial infarcts) in patients who had tested positive but were asymptomatic.

Their first “symptom” of Covid-19 was sudden death. There is a very well-established treatment for this, but most will not have access to this information.

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