If you are paying attention to the world around you, you can’t help but notice the abundance of people including adults, teens, and even children still wearing masks of all shapes and sizes! School districts around the country have re-instituted masking policies and some companies are still requiring employees to mask up at work. To what end?
The question to ask? Based upon what scientific evidence? The two studies presented by the CDC (The Bangladesh Study and The Maricopa/Pima County Study) are scientifically invalid due to severe missing data and countless unmeasured confounders. There are over 150 studies that describe the lack of effectiveness of Masks and Mask Mandates and many of these studies were carried out prior to the Pandemic and the tainting of The Scientific Theory that has occurred due to the exertion of political pressure. All of these studies can be found at www.brownstone.org .
Long story short! The prevailing body of scientific evidence suggests that Masking causes more harm than good. It has created a dehumanization of our children while virtually destroying our societal interaction with the help of lockdowns and social distancing. We CANNOT continue this pathway towards societal ruination. There may be no turning back.